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A cannagar is an abbreviation for cannabis cigar.

100% cannabis. No tobacco or paper. Cannabis cores that are wrapped in a fully cured cannabis leaf. Inside will only be the finest Cannabis products available.

A rosegar is another version of a cannabis cigar, but instead of wrapping fully cured cannabis leaves around our core of flower and concentrate, we use fully cured biologic edible grade organic rose petals.

We use only the highest grade organic rose petals available in the world.


Our roses are sourced from Equador from two small family farms. We found them over a year of research.


Our Roses are from High in the Equador mountains where pesticides are not needed due to the high altitude. We were fortunate to find Rose Petals that could pass the rigorous Cannabis testing, which is more strict than USDA organic certification.

99% organic roses sold online can pass USDA pesticide limits, but not the limits set forth by the state laws regulating cannabis. Hopefully they will implement stronger regulations on our food when our cannabis is so strongly regulated.

We take a solid core of flower, we cover the core in concentrate, and then wrap in fully cured cannabis leaves, concentrates, hemp, gold or organic rose petals depending on end product and seal in wax dipped glass tubes for a long shelf life.

When we speak of fully cured, this means the cannabis leaf or rosepetal has been put through a curing process in which chlorophyll, salts,

minerals and some fiber has been removed.

For our vibrant colors with the green cannabis leaf and coloful array of rose petals, We have a process that locks in the color before we cure. So we can have the best of both worlds!  The aesthetic and the connoisseur quality.

looking to purchase wholesale?

Want to stock us in your store? Reach out to us today for more information.